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Friday, June 28, 2024
Home Paris Neighborhoods 44.Sainte-Marguerite


by Paris T'aime

Unveiling Sainte-Marguerite: A Parisian Haven of Tranquility, History, and Hidden Gems

Tucked away in the vibrant 11th arrondissement of Paris lies the charming Sainte-Marguerite neighborhood. This peaceful district offers a welcome respite from the bustling city center, while still boasting its own unique treasures and historical significance.

A Parisian Sanctuary Steeped in History:

Step back in time and explore the rich heritage of Sainte-Marguerite. The Église Sainte-Marguerite, a Roman Catholic church dating back to the 17th century, stands as a testament to the area’s long history. Admire its neoclassical architecture and marvel at the intricate details within,pen_spark particularly the Chapelle des Âmes du Purgatoire (Chapel of the Souls in Purgatory) decorated with trompe-l’œil murals.

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Église SainteMarguerite Paris

Beyond the Church Doors: A Parisian Oasis

Sainte-Marguerite offers a tranquil escape from the Parisian whirlwind. Quaint streets lined with trees and charming townhouses create a peaceful ambiance, perfect for a leisurely stroll. Square Trousseau, a delightful public garden nearby, provides a haven for relaxation amidst the urban landscape. Enjoy a picnic lunch under the shade of a tree, or simply soak up the sunshine and observe local life unfolding.

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Square Trousseau Paris

A Haven for Food Lovers:

While Sainte-Marguerite may not boast a booming restaurant scene, it offers a selection of delightful cafes and hidden gem eateries. Indulge in a flaky croissant and a strong coffee at a local cafe, savor a delicious lunch at a traditional French bistro tucked away on a side street, or explore the international flavors offered at nearby markets like the Marché Bastille or the Marché Richard Lenoir.

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Marché Richard Lenoir Paris

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Planning Your Sainte-Marguerite Adventure:

  • Getting There: Sainte-Marguerite is easily accessible by metro (Richard Lenoir station or Bréguet-Sabin station).
  • Embrace Tranquility: Wander the peaceful streets, explore the Square Trousseau, and soak up the neighborhood’s charming atmosphere.
  • Seek Out Historical Gems: Discover the beauty of the Église Sainte-Marguerite, marvel at its intricate details, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Savor Local Flavors: Indulge in a Parisian cafe experience, explore the offerings at nearby markets, or discover a hidden gem bistro.

Sainte-Marguerite is a captivating microcosm of Parisian life, where history, tranquility, and hidden delights come together. So, lace up your walking shoes, embrace the neighborhood’s peaceful spirit, and discover the unexpected treasures that await in this delightful corner of Paris!

Ready to explore Sainte-Marguerite?

  • Browse our collection of historical accounts and architectural guides to delve deeper into the fascinating story of the Église Sainte-Marguerite and the surrounding neighborhood’s transformation over the centuries.
  • Check out our “Parisian Hidden Gems Guide” for recommendations on charming cafes and boulangeries (bakeries), delightful parks like Square Trousseau, and the best spots to experience the offerings of the nearby markets.
  • Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on special events and cultural offerings in Sainte-Marguerite, recommendations for the latest additions to the restaurant scene, and hidden gem cafes not to be missed.

#Paris #SainteMarguerite #History #Tranquility #HiddenGems #ÉgliseSainteMarguerite #SquareTrousseau #MarchéBastille #MarchéRichardLenoir_

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