Friday, June 28, 2024
Friday, June 28, 2024
Home Paris T'aime Barman Mrahmed : Paris Loves You

Barman Mrahmed : Paris Loves You

by Paris T'aime
Barman Mrahmed

MRAHMED, a friendly man in his mid-20s, stands behind the bar of the Parislond Bar, located near the iconic Place de la Madeleine in Paris. He wears a black shirt with the bar’s logo on it and greets customers with a warm smile.

“Hi, my name is Mrahmed, and I work at the Parislond Bar. I moved to Paris from Bangladesh a few years ago, and I absolutely love it here. The city is full of culture and history, and the people are so welcoming.”

Mrahmed expertly prepares a cocktail for a customer, his hands moving quickly and efficiently.

MRAHMED (Continuing to speak to the camera) “I love working at the Parislond Bar. It’s a great atmosphere, and my colleagues are like family. We work together to make sure every customer has a great experience.”

A group of customers enters the bar, and Mrahmed greets them with a smile and takes their order.

MRAHMED (To the customers) “Bonjour! What can I get for you today?”

Mrahmed continues to work behind the bar, mixing drinks and chatting with customers, always with a smile on his face.

“I feel lucky to be working at such a great place. Every day is different, and I get to meet new people from all over the world. I hope to see you soon at the Parislond Bar!”

Mrahmed waves goodbye to the camera, his friendly demeanor inviting viewers to come and experience the Parislond Bar for themselves.

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by Paris T'aime

Paris T’aime is an innovative digital platform that highlights Parisian life through captivating documentaries and short films. Far from tourist clichés, Paris T’aime immerses its spectators in the daily lives of real people, ordinary Parisians who, faced with the challenges of urban life, demonstrate extraordinary courage to create a better life for themselves and for their community.

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