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Home 75001 75001


by Paris T'aime

75001 Paris corresponds to the postal code for the 1st arrondissement, also known as the Arrondissement du Louvre. This central arrondissement is steeped in history and Parisian charm, offering a unique blend of iconic landmarks, world-class museums, and charming neighborhoods.

Here’s a glimpse into what you might discover in 75001 Paris:

Iconic Landmarks:

Charming Neighborhoods:

  • Saint-Germain-l’Auxerrois: Home to the beautiful Église Saint-Germain-l’Auxerrois and offering a delightful mix of cafes, art galleries, and historical sites. (See previous post about Saint-Germain-l’Auxerrois for more details)
  • Les Halles: A modern complex featuring the Forum des Halles shopping center, the Canopée architectural marvel, and a vibrant food scene. (See previous post about Les Halles for more details)

Beyond the Tourist Trail:

  • Explore Hidden Passages: Discover charming “passages couverts,” pedestrian walkways lined with shops and cafes, tucked away throughout the arrondissement.
  • Visit a Unique Museum: Explore niche museums like the Musée du Parfum (Fragrance Museum) or the Musée des Arts Décoratifs (Decorative Arts Museum).
  • Stroll Through the Jardin du Carrousel: A hidden gem tucked behind the Louvre, offering a peaceful escape with manicured lawns and classical statues. (See previous post about Saint-Germain-l’Auxerrois for more details)

Planning Your Trip:

  • Getting There: The 1st arrondissement is well-connected by metro. Stations like Louvre-Rivoli, Palais Royal-Musée du Louvre, and Châtelet-Les Halles offer easy access.
  • Consider a Museum Pass: If you plan on visiting multiple museums, a Paris Museum Pass can save you money.
  • Explore by Walking: The best way to discover the charm of the 1st arrondissement is on foot.

75001 Paris promises an unforgettable experience, whether you’re a history buff, an art enthusiast, a gourmand, or simply a curious traveler seeking the essence of Parisian life.

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The centre of contemporary Paris and the site of such landmarks as the Louvre and of the Tuileries and Palais-Royal, the 1st arrondissement is full of attractions for travellers of all inclinations, including some of the finest parks, museums, shops, and bars in the city. The 1st occupies the Right Bank of the River Seine and extends onto the western section of the Île de la Cité in the midst of the river.

For occupying such a compact space, the 1st feels remarkably different from one end to the other. The almost incredibly upscale western end of the arrondissement gives way to the hustle and bustle of the big city east of the Palais Royal, and then further east to the pedestrian (and tourist) dominated area around Les Halles and the Samaritaine, where tourists mix with (especially young) Parisiens and Parisiennes in huge numbers (on the order of 800,000 unique visitors per day according to the Mayor’s office).

The Axe historique is a line of landmarks, which passes through the 1st, extending out to La Défense in the west, and the 4th arrondissement in the east.


由于占据了如此紧凑的空间,第一个感觉从一端到另一端明显不同。 几乎令人难以置信的高档西端让位于皇家宫殿以东的大城市的喧嚣,然后再向东到 Les Halles 和 Samaritaine 周围的行人(和游客)占主导地位的区域,游客与 (尤其是年轻人)大量的巴黎人和巴黎人(根据市长办公室的数据,每天有 800,000 名独立访客)。

Axe historique 是一条地标线,穿过 1 区,向西延伸到拉德芳斯,向东延伸到 4 区。

Neighborhood / 街区

  • 1 – Saint Germain l’Auxerrois / 圣日耳曼-欧塞尔 街区
  • 2 – Halles / 交易所街区
  • 3 – Palais Royale / 皇宫街区
  • 4 – La Place Vendôme / 旺多姆广场街区
Map of Neighborhood / 街道划分图示

Attractions / 景点

Colonne Vendôme / 旺多姆广场 ( 地铁 Opéra  3  7  8 )

The centrepiece of a magnificent 8-sided square first laid out in 1699 to show off an equestrian statue of the Sun King, Louis XIV. The statue was removed amid revolutionary fervor in 1792 and replaced in 1806 with the Colonne de la Grande Armée.

1699 年首次布置的宏伟 8 边广场的核心是展示太阳王路易十四的骑马雕像。 这座雕像在 1792 年的革命热情中被拆除,并于 1806 年被科隆德拉格兰德军队取代。

La Conciergerie  / 巴黎旧皇宫和监狱 ( 地铁 Cité  4 )

The ancient medieval fortress and prison of the city’s island, site of some remarkable medieval royal architecture and the scene of Marie Antoinette’s imprisonment in the period leading to her execution in 1793; lots of revolutionary associations.

这座城市岛屿的古老中世纪堡垒和监狱,一些非凡的中世纪皇家建筑的遗址,以及玛丽·安托瓦内特在 1793 年被处决期间被监禁的场景; 保存很多法国大革命纪念物品。

 Église Saint-Eustache / 圣犹士坦堂 ( 地铁 Les Halles  4 )

The massive parish church of the Les Halles area is a notable example of late Gothic interspersed with Renaissance details (including the entire front façade), as it was only completed in the 17th century. Its unique form results from a combination of relatively short length and impressive height of over 30 metres inside. The latter allows room not only for an array of stained glass windows and paintings, but also France’s largest church organ of 8,000 pipes. The sculpture Écoute, depicting an oversized human head, was placed in front of the church’s southern facade and has become a favourite photo spot.


圣犹士坦堂位于巴黎大堂区(Les Halles),1223年成为本堂区,主保圣人是一位罗马殉道者,原本是罗马将军,因为皈依基督教而和全家被烧死。目前的教堂始建于1532年,直到1637年才完成。路易十四年轻时在此领受圣体。莫扎特也在此埋葬他的母亲。蓬帕杜尔夫人莫里哀幼年时在此受洗,莫里哀也是在此举行婚礼。


Jardin des Tuileries / 杜乐丽皇后花园 ( 地铁 Tuileries  1 )

Jardin des Tuileries and Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel – Paris France

Built adjoining the now-lost royal palace of the Tuileries, these gardens lying immediately west of the Louvre offer a central open space for Parisians and visitors with semi-formal gardens (an outdoor gallery for modern sculpture), various cafés, ice cream and crépe stalls, and a summer fun fair. The gardens are frequently home to a giant Ferris wheel and enclose the Musée de la Orangerie and the Jeu de Paume.

这些花园毗邻现已失落的杜乐丽宫,位于卢浮宫以西,为巴黎人和游客提供了一个中央开放空间,设有半正式的花园(现代雕塑的户外画廊)、各种咖啡馆、冰淇淋和可丽饼 摊位和夏季游乐园。 花园经常是巨大摩天轮的所在地,并围绕着橘园博物馆和波姆博物馆。

Le Palais Royal / 巴黎皇宫 ( 地铁 Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre  1  7 )

Ordered by Cardinal de Richelieu (1585-1642), King Louis XIII’s prime Minister in 1629 (completed in 1636); originally called Palais Cardinal; it became Le Palais Royal when Anne d’Autriche, Louis XIII’s wife, came to live here to get away from the Louvre palace. It eventually housed Louis XIV until the move to Versailles. It includes also a beautiful garden Les jardins du Palais Royal, enclosed by the buildings. It’s been the theatre of one of the seminal events of the French Revolution (Camille Desmoulins made a famous declaration here in 1789). The Théatre Français nearby was built in 1716. There are numerous restaurants inside the garden , including famous Le Grand Véfour. There’s also the controversial Colonnes de Buren, striped columns installed within the inside yard amid the 17th century architecture.

1629 年由路易十三国王的首相红衣主教黎塞留 (1585-1642) 下令(1636 年完成); 原名红衣主教宫; 当路易十三的妻子安妮·奥特里希为了逃离卢浮宫而来到这里居住时,它就成为了皇家宫。 它最终安置了路易十四,直到搬到凡尔赛宫。 它还包括一个美丽的花园 Les jardins du Palais Royal,被建筑物包围。

它曾是法国大革命的重要事件之一(卡米尔·德穆兰(Camille Desmoulins)于 1789 年在这里发表了著名的宣言)。 附近的 Theatre Français 建于 1716 年。花园内设有众多餐厅,包括著名的 Le Grand Véfour。 还有备受争议的 Colonnes de Buren,在 17 世纪建筑中的内院内安装了条纹柱。

 Saint-Germain l’Auxerrois / 圣日耳曼欧塞尔教堂 ( 地铁 Louvre-Rivoli  1 , Pont-Neuf  7 )

This Gothic church functioned until the 19th century as the parish church of the kings of France. In this role, the church has sometimes played a gruesome part in history. Its bell called ‘Marie’ sounded on the night of 23 August 1572, to launch the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, in which thousands of Huguenots were killed by Catholic mobs. Nowadays, the church is peaceful and an active parish church for commoners (the monarchy having long since given way to the Republic), and well worth visiting.

这座哥特式教堂在 19 世纪之前一直是法国国王的教区教堂。 在这个角色中,教会有时在历史上扮演了可怕的角色。 其名为“玛丽”的钟声在 1572 年 8 月 23 日晚上响起,以发动圣巴塞洛缪节大屠杀,数千名胡格诺派教徒被天主教暴徒杀害。 如今,教堂是和平的,是一个活跃的平民教区教堂(君主制早已让位于共和国),非常值得参观。

Sainte-Chapelle / 圣礼拜堂 ( 地铁 Cité  4 )

 Soaring stained glass windows beaming ample light onto the rich primary colours of the tile mosaics on the floor, this photogenic church was built by the French kings to house the relics of the Crown of Thorns. Make sure you go on a sunny day, as the highlight of this small chapel in Rayonnante Gothic style are the large stained-glass windows which soar up to near the vaulted ceiling. Also of interest is the extremely ornate lower level. If it happens to be rainy or cloudy, give Sainte-Chapelle a miss, as the play of coloured lights on the floor is well worth the wait for a sunnier day. As the chapelle is inside the Courts of Justice, there will thus be a security check.

高耸的彩色玻璃窗将充足的光线投射到地板上丰富的原色瓷砖马赛克上,这座上镜的教堂由法国国王建造,用于存放荆棘王冠的遗物。 确保您在阳光明媚的日子前行,因为这座 Rayonnante Gothic 风格的小教堂的亮点是巨大的彩色玻璃窗,其高高耸立在拱形天花板附近。 同样令人感兴趣的是极其华丽的下层。 如果碰巧下雨或多云,请不要错过 Sainte-Chapelle,因为地板上的彩色灯光非常值得等待阳光明媚的一天。 由于礼拜堂位于法院内,因此将进行安全检查。

Bourse de commerce / 巴黎商品交易所 ( 地铁 Les Halles  4 )

The former commodities exchange building is now not needed for its original purpose as the exchange has been digitized, and is mainly used for special events, often unrelated to its original function.

最初是用来谈判谷物和其他商品贸易的地方,现在是用来为企业提供服务的 巴黎商会。它的起源是在1763-67年间建造的圆形玉米交换所,露天露天庭院在1811年被一个铁穹顶封盖。在1888-89年的一次大型改建中,尽管大部分结构被替换了,布局保持不变,并保留了经过修改的圆顶。建筑物的圆顶被列为历史古迹。

 La Samaritaine / 沙玛丽商场 ( 地铁 Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre  1  7 )

 La Samaritaine is one of Paris’s greatest department stores located in a spectacular art nouveau building dating back to 1870. It reopened on June 23, 2021 after a 16-year closure for renovations. 

La Samaritaine 是巴黎最伟大的百货公司之一,位于一座可追溯至 1870 年的壮观的新艺术风格建筑内。经过 16 年的整修后,它于 2021 年 6 月 23 日重新开业。

Museums and Galleries / 博物馆和画廊

Musée du Louvre / 罗浮宫博物馆 ( 地铁 Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre  1  7 )

Its exhibits come from such diverse origins as ancient Egyptclassical Greece and the Roman Empire, medieval Europe, and Napoleonic France. Its most famous exhibit, of course, is Leonardo da Vinci’s painting of the Mona Lisa (French: La Joconde, Italian: La Gioconda), generally to be found surrounded by hordes of camera-flashing tourists.

The Louvre poses many of the same challenges to the visitor as Paris itself; overwhelming in size, crowded in high seasons, and much information available only in French. If you want to see everything in the Louvre, plan at least two full days. However, it is better to pick and choose, as the collection was assembled with an eye to completeness rather than quality.

它的展品来自古埃及、古典希腊和罗马帝国、中世纪欧洲和拿破仑法国等不同的起源。 当然,它最著名的展览是达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎画(法语:La Joconde,意大利语:La Gioconda),通常会被成群的照相机闪光游客包围。

卢浮宫对游客提出了许多与巴黎本身相同的挑战。 规模巨大,旺季拥挤,许多信息只能用法语提供。 如果你想看卢浮宫的一切,至少计划两天。 然而,最好是挑选和选择,因为该系列的组装着眼于完整性而不是质量。

L’Orangerie / 桔园美术馆

Reopened after extensive renovations, this small museum near the Louvre houses the Jean Walter and Paul Guillaume Collection, sold to the French Republic on very generous terms and numbering 143 paintings from the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century (15 Cézannes, 24 Renoirs, 10 Matisses, 12 Picassos, 28 Derains, 22 Soutines).

The collection joined the eight immense Water Lilies that Monet gave France in 1922 and which have been displayed since 1927 in two huge oval rooms purpose-built on the artist’s instructions. 

这座位于卢浮宫附近的小型博物馆经过大规模翻修后重新开放,收藏了让·沃尔特和保罗·纪尧姆收藏,以非常慷慨的条件出售给法兰西共和国,收藏了 19 世纪末和 20 世纪上半叶的 143 幅画作(15 塞尚, 24 雷诺阿,10 马蒂斯,12 毕加索,28 德兰,22 苏廷)。

该系列加入了莫奈于 1922 年送给法国的八朵巨大睡莲,这些睡莲自 1927 年以来一直在根据艺术家的指示建造的两个巨大的椭圆形房间内展出。

Jeu de Paume

Built during the First Empire, in imitation of the Orangerie, this small building is used by the Galerie Nationale to display temporary exhibitions of art photography, either contemporary or historic. This museum once housed many of the Impressionist painters that are now to be found in the Musée d’Orsay on the other side of the River Seine.

这座小建筑建于第一帝国时期,模仿橘园,被国家画廊用来展示当代或历史艺术摄影的临时展览。 这个博物馆曾经收藏了许多印象派画家,现在可以在塞纳河对岸的奥赛博物馆找到这些画家。

Musée des Arts décoratifs / 装饰艺术博物馆

A monument to the French art de vivre, housed in a 19th-century wing of the Louvre that has been restored to beaux-arts splendour, its galleries and period rooms showcase eight centuries of Gallic taste in interior decoration.

一座法国生活艺术的纪念碑,位于卢浮宫 19 世纪的翼楼中,该翼楼已恢复为华丽的美术风格,其画廊和古室展示了八个世纪的高卢室内装饰品味。

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by Paris T'aime

Paris T’aime is an innovative digital platform that highlights Parisian life through captivating documentaries and short films. Far from tourist clichés, Paris T’aime immerses its spectators in the daily lives of real people, ordinary Parisians who, faced with the challenges of urban life, demonstrate extraordinary courage to create a better life for themselves and for their community.

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